


小说:SINCITY 作者:乱世封烟 角色:李察李察 奇幻玄幻小说《SINCITY》推荐大家一读,这本小说的作者是“乱世封烟”。精彩内容:Whenthenewspringcomes,littleRichardisalsobeginningtolosehischildishness.Thehuntingknifearoundhiswaistisfinallynolongeradecoration.Healsobegantohuntwit...

Chapter 2 Ceremony 免费在线阅读

When the new spring comes, little Richard is also beginning to lose his childishness. The hunting knife around his waist is finally no longer a decoration. He also began to hunt with the hunters in the village. Although he didnt go too far into the forest, he wouldnt stand in the front line in the face of Warcraft. The work assigned to him was more of a boy, setting traps and cleaning up prey, but at least it showed that he was already a hunter. Bobby the blacksmith is very happy again, because Richards hunting knife was made by several precious pieces of steel, which he spent several nights. Every time little Richard kills a Warcraft with it, Bobby will be happy for a long time.

Hunting is always dangerous. There are many Warcraft hidden in the endless coastal mountains, and occasionally there are lost Warcraft in the deep mountains who come to Rutherland village. Little Richard met a gray wolf. This is a real second-class Warcraft, even the village head should seriously deal with it. When encountering the magic wolf, little Richard was surrounded by only two village hunters. It was a hard battle, and all three people were badly hurt, but in the end they dragged the body of the magic wolf back to the village.To the praise of the villagers, in the whole life-and-death struggle, little Richard was unusually calm and calm, and his response was correct. Even the best hunter could not do better. And if little Richard hadnt cut off the tendon of the magic wolfs hind paw with one knife, it might have been another result.

In any case, Richard Jr. encountered many dangers this year, and he always kept calm and handled it well. No matter how dangerous the situation is, he never flinched. At the age of nine, Richard learned courage. This year seems to be the easiest year, because children in the mountains never lack courage. But the courage that my mother taught Richard was different. Richard did it. From then on, my mother no longer called him little Richard, but my Richard.
